Architecture Studio

Anatael Alayón Architect

Architecture is the art of conceiving spaces based on an original idea and being able to materialize them on the terrain chosen for it. This is why I like to tell my clients that what I really do is “help them build their dreams.”

plano de construccion y manos técnicos en construcción

Writting projects

Happy customers

Reports and certifications

I carry out professionally of the initiation, monitoring and resolution of the files

One of my premises is that once the client arrives at my study, they forget about any administrative procedure until the objective is achieved, since I like to personally take charge of the initiation, monitoring and resolution of the files

we help you build your dreams

Render de diseño de casa moderna con jardín e icono de Play para reproducir video

“I have always had a great interest in any creative process, being extremely concerned about creating spaces in which my clients feel comfortable and in harmony with their natural, family or personal environment “

Architecture Studio

Although my activity takes me to tour the entire island, since my beginnings I have been based in the south of Tenerife, specifically in my beloved town of San Miguel de Abona.

Currently the new study is located in the southern part of the municipality; in Las Chafiras, one of the centers with the largest commercial activity on the island.

Since I started my career as a free professional, I have been working for private clients such as public administrations




Urban architect


Drafting Technician Writter

tejado de teja canaria en rehabilitacion de casa antigua
arquitecto en interior de obra
detalle hormigon voladizo

Contact us

Logo Anatael Alayon Arquitecto

This Architecture studio directed by the Architect Anatael Alayón member of the College of Architects of the Canary Islands


Avda. Lucio Díaz Flores Feo, 22 Edificio Las Tapias Oficina 3. Las Chafiras. San Miguel de Abona CP 38639. Tenerife, Spain

Open hours

Monday - Friday
9 am - 2 pm
5 pm - 8 pm



